The different signatures of a bubble collision. A collision (top left) induces a temperature change in the CMB temperature map (top right). The 'blob' associated with the collision is identified by a large needlet response (bottom left), and the presence of an edge is determined by a large response from the edge detection algorithm (bottom right)
Scientists say that they have found evidence that our universe was 'jostled' by other parallel universes in the distant past.
The incredible claim emerged after they studied patterns in the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) – the after-effects of the Big Bang.
They say they may have found evidence that four circular patterns found in the CMB are 'cosmic bruises' where our universe has crashed into other universes at least four times.
First evidence of other universes that exist alongside our own after scientists spot 'cosmic bruises'
Posted by DINC666
Massive dark object 'lurking on edge of solar system hurling comets at Earth'
A massive dark object may be lurking on the edge of our solar system, according to scientists.
Most comets that fly into the inner solar system seem to come from the outer region of the Oort cloud - a region of icy dust and debris left over from the birth of the solar system.
The cloud starts from a point about 93 billion miles from the Sun and stretches for around three light years and contains billions of comets, most of them small and hidden.
Now new calculations suggest a large object that is up to four times as big as Jupiter could be responsible for sending them in our direction.
The scientists have analysed the comets in the Oort cloud and deduced that 25 per-cent of them would need a nudge by a body of at least Jupiter size before they changed orbit.
Posted by DINC666
Jupiter's lost stripe making a comeback?
image source -
A prominent, brownish stripe in Jupiter's southern hemisphere that vanished completely in May could soon return, suggest photographs taken by amateur astronomers.
Jupiter normally has two prominent dark bands, one in each hemisphere. But in May it became clear that the southern equatorial belt (SEB) had completely disappeared.
An amateur astronomer, Christopher Go of the Philippines, spotted the stripe's reappearance earlier this month. Now scientists, armed with observations from NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility, the 10-meter Keck telescope and the 8-meter Gemini telescope, all atop Mauna Kea in Hawaii, have confirmed the finding.
Posted by DINC666
Rama’s Bridge is natural as well as man-made
Maharishi Valmiki has recorded in his Ramayan- (Yuudh Kand, sarg 22 and shlokas 45-73) that Shri Rama’s army constructed a bridge over the sea between Rameswaram and Sri Lanka. After crossing this bridge, Shri Rama’s army reached Sri Lanka, defeated Ravana and liberated Sita from his captivity.
It is found exactly at the location narrated in Valmiki Ramayan
Space images taken by NASA reveal an ancient bridge in the Palk Strait between Bharat and Sri Lanka.
The existence of the bridge obviously cannot be denied! However to what extent there was manual intervention in connecting the gaps between the shoals, islands and rocks is a subject for detailed marine archaeological and geological research. This kind of research has never been carried out nor has any team been constituted so far. However, there is enough evidence about the existence as well as the use of this bridge in ancient Bharatiya history, literature and travelogues etc. 'Ramayana', which mentions a bridge between Rameshwaram (Bharat) and the Sri-Lankan coast, constructed under the supervision of the dynamic and invincible figure of Rama, who is the incarnate of the supreme.
READ MORE/full article/SOURCE -
Posted by DINC666
Ancient technology -TRUTH
(Surya Sidhantha by Bhaskaraachaarya). In surya sidhantha, bhaskaraachaarya calculates the time taken for the earth on orbit the sun to 9 decimal places (365.258756484 days). The modern accepted measurement is 365.2596 days.
The different between the ancient indian measurement (1500 years ago) and the modern measurement is only 0.00085 days (0.0002%). Bharat has given the world the idea of smallest and largest measure of time – from 34,000th a second (Kranti) to 4.32 billion years (kalpa).
(Bhugoladhyaya , surya sidhanta). Arya bhatta was the first to deduce that the earth is round. It must be mentioned that western science accepted that earth is spherical only in 14th century. Also he was the first to postulate it is the earth that rotates and the stars are stationary. This was about a 1000 year before Copernicus.
The globe of earth stands suspended in space at the center of a circular frame that is at the center of the Bhagola surrounded by water, soil, fire and air and is circular on all sided that is spherical’.
(Aryabhatiya - chapter 4, verse 6)
[ modern science - earth has a core - molten magma, different layers of rocks, soil, water and atmosphere]
Day length -
23 hrs – 56 mts – 4 scds – 0.1 fractions – ‘aryabhatta’
23 hrs – 56 mts – 4 scds – 0.091 fractions – modern value
Aryabhata gives the radius of the planetary orbits in terms of the radius of the Earth/Sun orbit as essentially their periods of rotation around the Sun. He believes that the Moon and planets shine by reflected sunlight, incredibly he believes that the orbits of the planets are ellipses. He correctly explains the causes of eclipses of the Sun and the Moon.
Aryabhata gave an accurate approximation for π. He wrote in the Aryabhatiya the following:-
Add four to one hundred, multiply by eight and then add sixty-two thousand. the result is approximately the circumference of a circle of diameter twenty thousand. By this rule the relation of the circumference to diameter is given.
This gives π = 62832/20000 = 3.1416 which is a surprisingly accurate value. In fact π = 3.14159265 correct to 8 places.
The Surya Siddhanta contains the roots of modern trigonometry. It uses sine (jya), cosine (kojya or "perpendicular sine") and inverse sine (otkram jya) for the first time, and also contains the earliest use of the tangent and secant when discussing the shadow cast by a gnomon in verses 21–22 of Chapter 3:
Of [the sun's meridian zenith distance] find the jya ("base sine") and kojya (cosine or "perpendicular sine"). If then the jya and radius be multiplied respectively by the measure of the gnomon in digits, and divided by the kojya, the results are the shadow and hypotenuse at mid-day.
In modern notation, this gives the shadow of the gnomon at mid-day as
s = \frac{g \sin \theta}{\cos \theta} = g \tan \theta
and the hypotenuse of the gnomon at mid-day as
h = \frac{g r}{\cos \theta} = g r \frac{1}{\cos \theta} = g r \sec \theta
where \ g is the measure of the gnomon, \ r is the radius of the gnomon, \ s is the shadow of the gnomon, and \ h is the hypotenuse of the gnomon.
MORE // -
Science of yajna or e= mc2
Aitareya rishi said yjna is conversion of consciousness into matter and matter in to consciousness through vital force. Einsein he discovered that matter and energy are inter-convertible as per his formula e=mc2.this lead to the discovery of atomic energy.The vedic seers have discovered a still superior form of energy viz. the power of consciousness. It is the consciousness, which activate our vital energies, which in turn, can bring about any transformation.
The power of consciousness is represented by mantra, vital energy are the Deva’s (God) when we say that Deva’s are invoked by mantras, we simply mean to say that vital energies are activated by the use of psychic power. These psychic powers, which are supra-physical, can control anything physical. Thus, by use of mantras and by invoking Deva’s all of our desires can be fulfilled. Aitareya who says that yajna s a process of converting consciousness into matter and matter into consciousness, since consciousness and matter cannot be interchanged directly, the interchange takes place via vital force.
Aadi Sankaran (788 - 820 AD)Sree Sankaran's unbiased and pure scientific pursuit of knowledge could be seen in the second "Slokam" of "Soundarya Lahari" [a collection of 100 Slokams in praise of Goddess Durga written by Sree Sankaran]. In the Slokam "Thaneeyaamsam paamsum thava charana pankeruhabhavam", we can see a hint to the theory of inter-convertibility of mass and energy.
In another context, Sree Sankaran postulated that the diameter of Sun is 1 lakh "Yojanas". Later the modern scientific community calculated the diameter which agreed very closely with (just 3% error) the value provided by Sankaran.
Viswasya ketu, bhuvanasya garbha, oh rodasi aprunat (YV.12.33)
In vedic quotation interestingly mentioned the seven rays of sun. In Rig veda these are nothing but the colors –VIBGYOR, RV supports ‘the seven rays of the sun are falling, there I live with my family’. (RV8-72-16)
These statements are evident to assume the seven colors of sunrays were very well known, even during the vedic period.
Rishi Kanaada - forerunner to Archimedes and Einstein: Kanaada or Kashypa lived in the 6th century B.C. from his childhood; kashyapa displayed a keen sense of observation. Kanada was the first expounder of the atomic concept in the universe. He was the first to point out he binary molecule and atom. Everything in the universe, he said ‘is made up of Paramanu(Nuclear).
When matter divided and sub-divided until further division is not possible, the remaining indivisible entity is called Paramanu.
Paramanu are eternal and indestructible and do not exist in free state nor can they be sensed through any human organ’. Kanaada
propounded Vaiseshika Sutras (peculiarity Aphorisms). They are a blend of science, philosophy and religion.
Bharatiyas/Indians predated Newton 'discovery' by 250 years
A little known school of scholars in southwest India discovered one of the founding principles of modern mathematics hundreds of years before Newton according to new research.
Dr George Gheverghese Joseph from The University of Manchester says the 'Kerala School' identified the 'infinite series'- one of the basic components of calculus - in about 1350.
The discovery is currently - and wrongly - attributed in books to Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibnitz at the end of the seventeenth centuries.
The team from the Universities of Manchester and Exeter reveal the Kerala School also discovered what amounted to the Pi series and used it to calculate Pi correct to 9, 10 and later 17 decimal places.
And there is strong circumstantial evidence that the Indians passed on their discoveries to mathematically knowledgeable Jesuit missionaries who visited India during the fifteenth century.
That knowledge, they argue, may have eventually been passed on to Newton himself.
He said: "The beginnings of modern maths is usually seen as a European achievement but the discoveries in medieval India between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries have been ignored or forgotten.
"There were many reasons why the contribution of the Kerala school has not been acknowledged - a prime reason is neglect of scientific ideas emanating from the Non-European world - a legacy of European colonialism and beyond.
Bharatiyas/Indians predated Newton 'discovery' by 250 years....
Bharatiya scientists knew all these scientific fundas long before 250.... over thousands of yrs ....
The great Bharatiya mathematician Bhaskaracharya (1150 C.E.) produced extensive treatises on both plane and spherical trigonometry and algebra, and his works contain remarkable solutions of problems which were not discovered in Europe until the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. He preceded Newton by over 500 years in the discovery of the principles of differential calculus. A.L. Basham writes further, "The mathematical implications of zero (sunya) and infinity, never more than vaguely realized by classical authorities, were fully understood in medieval India. Earlier mathematicians had taught that X/0 = X, but Bhaskara proved the contrary. He also established mathematically what had been recognized in Indian theology at least a millennium earlier: that infinity, however divided, remains infinite, represented by the equation oo /X = oo." In the 14th century, Madhava, isolated in South India, developed a power series for the arc tangent function, apparently without the use of calculus, allowing the calculation of pi to any number of decimal places (since arctan 1 = pi/4). Whether he accomplished this by inventing a system as good as calculus or without the aid of calculus; either way it is astonishing.
All the scientific/spiritual knowledge in this world came from Bharat ....vedic knowledge....
and the greatest minds that ever existed on planet earth did read vedas and puranas and some even came to Bharat....
Einstein was friends with Rabindranath Tagore, einstein's friend Dean brown translated all the upanishads into english, he himself was a follower of vedas.... J. Robert Oppenheimer's first quote after testing atom was from bhagvata gita.... Pythagoras came to India and studied here....
all of them were highly influenced by vedic knowledge and spirituality of Bharat....
knowledge about Chakras-kundalini everything related to spirituality came from here....
but most this information was struck off or simply denied just because to forge the aryan invasion theory and discredit the Bharatiya's of their heritage.... They would say oh this came from egyptians, this came from greeks.... but they would deny and try not to tell the exact source.... Bharat.... egyptians had contact with Bharat and they themselves have stated in their own texts/scriptures that they came from another land which is said to be Bharat.... greeks had contact with Bharatiyas....
mostly.... Arabs were responsible to introduce this knowledge from Bharat/india to europe as they had trade connections....
Then people would say oh the sumerian is the oldest and most advanced civilization .... when there are so many concrete evidences that sumerians drew their knowledge from the ancient Indus civilization....
Indus valley civilization represented the ancient Bharat....
All languages are dervied from sanskrit and thats another fact! Sanskrit is the oldest and most scientific language!
[watch the video below]. Dean Brown was a sanskrit scholar,computer scientist,translated Upanishads and Yoga Sutra. He was a physicist of the highest order - making contributions to the development of the hydrogen bomb and designing the fuel element for the Nautilus, the world's first nuclear submarines. he worked at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Princeton - and was a friend and colleague of Albert Einstein,Dean was a founder of Zylog, Inc., a company that manufactured one of the first microprocessors, the Z80 chip - which is still in use today. Dean was instrumental in designing that chip. Another company that he founded, Picodyne, is still active today in the field of educational software.
Credits: ThinkingAllowedTV
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Prof. Dean Brown points out that most European languages can be traced back to a root language that is also related to Sanskrit - the sacred language of the ancient Vedic Hindu religions of India. Many English words actually have Sanskrit origins. Similarly, many Vedic religious concepts can also be found in Western culture. He discusses the fundamental idea of the Upanishads - that the essence of each individual, the atman, is identical to the whole universe, the principle of brahman. In this sense, the polytheistic traditions of India can be said to be monistic at their very core.
Read more -
There was no Aryan invasion .... Bharatiyas were the ARYANS.... the noble Kshatriyas were given the title of Arya....
Kak [1] notes that Sayana, Prime-minister of India in the 14th century, could decipher an extract from The Rigveda from which followed that the value of the velocity of light was equal to 300,000 km/s. Note that in Europe, Danish astronomer O. Römer could measure the same value of the velocity of light only in 1676, i.e. around 150 year later.
A close investigation of the Vedic system of mathematics shows that it was much more advanced than the mathematical systems of the civilizations of the Nile or the Euphrates. The Vedic mathematicians had developed the decimal system of tens, hundreds, thousands, etc. where the remainder from one column of numbers is carried over to the next. The advantage of this system of nine number signs and a zero is that it allows for calculations to be easily made. Further, it has been said that the introduction of zero, or sunya as the Indians called it, in an operational sense as a definite part of a number system, marks one of the most important developments in the entire history of mathematics. The earliest preserved examples of the number system which is still in use today are found on several stone columns erected in India by King Ashoka in about 250 B.C.E. [4 ] Similar inscriptions are found in caves near Poona (100 B.C.E.) and Nasik (200 C.E.). [5] These earliest Indian numerals appear in a script called brahmi.
After 700 C.E. another notation, called by the name "Indian numerals," which is said to have evolved from the brahmi numerals, assumed common usage, spreading to Arabia and from there around the world. When Arabic numerals (the name they had then become known by) came into common use throughout the Arabian empire, which extended from India to Spain, Europeans called them "Arabic notations," because they received them from the Arabians. However, the Arabians themselves called them "Indian figures" (Al-Arqan-Al-Hindu) and mathematics itself was called "the Indian art" (hindisat).
Aryabhatta, an astronomer mathematician who flourished at the beginning of the 6th century, introduced sines and versed sines-a great improvement over the clumsy half-cords of Ptolemy. A.L. Basham, foremost authority on ancient India, writes in The Wonder That Was India,
Medieval Indian mathematicians, such as Brahmagupta (seventh century), Mahavira (ninth century), and Bhaskara (twelfth century), made several discoveries which in Europe were not known until the Renaissance or later. They understood the import of positive and negative quantities, evolved sound systems of extracting square and cube roots, and could solve quadratic and certain types of indeterminate equations." [6] Mahavira's most noteworthy contribution is his treatment of fractions for the first time and his rule for dividing one fraction by another, which did not appear in Europe until the 16th century.
The great Indian mathematician Bhaskaracharya (1150 C.E.) produced extensive treatises on both plane and spherical trigonometry and algebra, and his works contain remarkable solutions of problems which were not discovered in Europe until the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. He preceded Newton by over 500 years in the discovery of the principles of differential calculus. A.L. Basham writes further, "The mathematical implications of zero (sunya) and infinity, never more than vaguely realized by classical authorities, were fully understood in medieval India. Earlier mathematicians had taught that X/0 = X, but Bhaskara proved the contrary. He also established mathematically what had been recognized in Indian theology at least a millennium earlier: that infinity, however divided, remains infinite, represented by the equation oo /X = oo." In the 14th century, Madhava, isolated in South India, developed a power series for the arc tangent function, apparently without the use of calculus, allowing the calculation of pi to any number of decimal places (since arctan 1 = pi/4). Whether he accomplished this by inventing a system as good as calculus or without the aid of calculus; either way it is astonishing.
We have different standardized systems for measuring weight, time, temperature and pressure to name a few and over time we have all so had several different scales for music. What I would like to do is explain to you that there is only one system for everything and because of this history has been fabricated to hide this information that explains the absolute truth behind our very existence. Our standard forms of measurement used by industry around the world, the French Metric system and Imperial or English inch are there to intentionally misguide you, the Vedic Metric it is the least known only because it is the industrial secret of corporations like Sony, Westinghouse, J P Morgan, Hertz, Uniden, Bose, Intel computer processors, Shell, BP, Mobil, Ferrari, Toyota, Ford, Hyundai, NASA, Boeing and many more.
A vimana is a mythological flying machine, described in the ancient mythology of India. References to these flying machines are commonplace in ancient Indian texts, even describing their use in warfare. As well as being able to fly within Earth's atmosphere, vimanas were also said to be able to travel into space and travel submerged underwater.
Descriptions in the Vedas and later Indian literature detail vimanas of various shapes and sizes:
* The "agnihotra-vimana" with two engines. (Agni means fire in Sanskrit.)
* The "gaja-vimana" with more engines. (Gaja means elephant in Sanskrit.)
* Other types named after the kingfisher, ibis, and other animals.
The word comes from Sanskrit and seems to be vi-mana = 'apart' or 'having been measured". The word also means a part of a Hindu temple. The meaning of the word likely changed in this sequence:
* An area of land measured out and set apart to be used for sacred purposes.
* Temple
* A god's palace
* In the Ramayana: the demon-lord Ravana's flying palace called Pushpaka.
* In later Indian writings: other flying vehicles, and sometimes as a poetic word for ordinary ground vehicles.
In some modern Indian languages, the word vimana means ordinary real aircraft.
The Hindu Samaranga Sutadhara contains 230 stanzas that are devoted to flight. It describes in detail, every possible aspect of flying. The International Academy off Sanskrit Research in Mysore, India, conducted a study of the ancient texts and published its findings in a book called 'Aeronautics, a manuscript From the Prehistoric Past'. The following are a few translated excerpts from the text:
In the Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara (Literally, "controller of the battlefield"), it is written:
'The aircraft which can go by its own force like a bird - on the earth or water or through the air - is called a Vimana. That which can travel in the sky from place to place is called a Vimana by the sage of old.'
"Strong and durable must the body of the Vimana be made, like a great flying bird of light material. Inside one must put the mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus underneath. By means of the power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky. The movements of the Vimana are such that it can vertically ascend, vertically descend, move slanting forwards and backwards. With the help of the machines human beings can fly in the air and heavenly beings can come down to earth."
'In the larger craft [Daru-vimana], because it is built heavier, [alaghu], four strong containers of mercurymust be built into the interior. When these are heated by controlled fire from the iron containers, the Vimana possesses thunder power through the mercury. The iron engine must have properly welded joints to be filled with mercury, and when the fire is conducted to the upper parts, it develops power with the roar of a lion. By means of the energy latent in mercury, the driving whirlwind is set in motion, and the traveller sitting inside the Vimana may travel in the air, to such a distance as to look like a pearl in the sky'
The Indian sacred scriptures make numerous references to flight. Incredibly, the most ancient and sacred texts discuss high speed manoeuvres, invisibility, and even a flight to the moon.
“--The ancient Hindus could navigate the air, and not only navigate it, but fight battles in it like so many war-eagles combating for the domination of the clouds. To be so perfect in aeronautics, they must have known all the arts and sciences related to the science, including the strata and currents of the atmosphere, the relative temperature, humidity, density and specific gravity of the various gases...”
~ Col. Henry S Olcott (1832 – 1907)
--Walter Raymond Drake (1913 - 1989), a British disciple of Charles Fort, published nine books on the ancient astronaut theme, the first four years earlier than Erich Von Däniken's bestseller Chariots of the Gods.
In his book Gods and Spacemen in the Ancient East, he wrote:
"The Ramayana telling in magic imagery the quest of Rama for his stolen wife Sita, has thrilled the people of India for thousands of years; generations of wandering story-tellers have recited its 24,000 verses to marveling audiences captivated by this brilliant panorama of the fantastic past, the passions of heroic love, tragedies of dark revenge, aerial battles between Gods and Demons waged with nuclear bombs; the glory of noble deeds; the thrilling poetry of life, the philosophy of destiny and death.
This wonderful epic of the ‘Ramayana’ the inspiration of the world’s great classic literature, intrigues us most today by its frequent allusions to aerial vehicles and annihilating bombs, which we consider to be inventions of our own 20th century impossible in the far past. Students of Sanskrit literature soon revise their preconceived ideas and find that the heroes of Ancient India were apparently equipped with aircraft and missiles more sophisticated than those we boast today."
Bhagavatam - Mysteries of the Sacred Universe
by Richard L. Thompson. He explains the world and universe from the Srimad Bhagavatam's cosmological viewpoint. >>
Alexander Gorbovsky an expert at the Russian Munitions Agency has written:
“The Mahabharata - an ancient Indian epic compiled 3000 years ago - contains a reference to a terrible weapon. Regrettably, in our age of the atomic bomb, the description of this weapon exploding will not appear to be an exaggeration: '.... a blazing shaft possessed of the effulgence of a smokeless fire (was) let off...'. That was how this weapon was perceived. The consequences of its use also evoke involuntary associations. '... This makes the bodies of the dead unidentifiable. ... The survivors lose their nails and hair, and their food becomes unfit for eating. For several subsequent years the Sun, the stars and the sky remain shrouded with clouds and bad weather'.
"This weapon was known as the Weapon of Brahma or the Flame of Indra......".
(source: Riddles of Ancient History - Alexander Gorbovsky, The Sputnik Magazine, Moscow, Sept. 1986, p. 137).
India and egypt link must read/ FACTS -
John Hagalin and David Lynch Describe the science of peace.
world peace. Everybody wants world peace. Nobody believes there can be world peace. It's a nice idea. It's like a sweet little old lady idea. It's meaningless. It's never going to happen. And we thing it's got to be this way.
There is a science, Vedic Science, and there are technologies connected with it. Science of Consciousness, science of the unified field. Technologies from that can easily bring peace. And peace isn't just the absence of war, it's the absence of negativity. Peace is real and it comes from the unified field. The unified field can be enlivened in the individual and bring enlightenment and be enlivened in the world and bring peace. Doctor John Hagelin could talk for the next ten weeks about this most profound science that just now, quantum physics is just approaching Vedic Science.
John Hagelin -
There are 300,000 books and manuscripts on peace. Each of these books and manuscripts have been read by an average of 3 people, including the author and publisher. Who wants to read another book about peace? We want to create peace. And there's an actual science of peace. Because the field of consciousness is the field of unity. The field of bliss. The field of peace on a tangible, palpable, powerful, physical level millions of times more powerful then the nuclear force if we can just access it. But consciousness can access it. What we need are more peacemakers who develop their consciousness until they become lighthouses of peace, radiating peace.
Posted by DINC666
NASA photoshopping?
The NASA image of Saturn's moons Dione and Titan, left, and the high-contrast version showing Photoshop marks, right.
ALIEN conspiracy theorists are confident they've caught NASA in the act of covering up the fact we are not alone in the universe.
A video posted on YouTube yesterday showed how an image of Saturn's moons Dione and Titan, taken by NASA's Cassini orbiter, had been Photoshopped before being added to a Picture of the Day website.
In the video, "DominatorPS3" turned up the brightness levels on the photo to show that a "huge" object can be seen behind the smaller moon, Dione.
Clearly visible are brush strokes that show how the rainbow aura of the object has been blacked out.
Full article/source -
Posted by DINC666
Big Mystery: Jupiter Loses a Stripe
These side by side images of Jupiter taken by Australian astrophotographer Anthony Wesley show the SEB in August 2009, but not in May 2010.Individual images: Aug. 4, 2009; May 8, 2010.
pic source -
May 20, 2010: In a development that has transformed the appearance of the solar system's largest planet, one of Jupiter's two main cloud belts has completely disappeared.
"This is a big event," says planetary scientist Glenn Orton of NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab. "We're monitoring the situation closely and do not yet fully understand what's going on."
Known as the South Equatorial Belt (SEB), the brown cloudy band is twice as wide as Earth and more than twenty times as long. The loss of such an enormous "stripe" can be seen with ease halfway across the solar system.
"In any size telescope, or even in large binoculars, Jupiter's signature appearance has always included two broad equatorial belts," says amateur astronomer Anthony Wesley of Australia. "I remember as a child seeing them through my small backyard refractor and it was unmistakable. Anyone who turns their telescope on Jupiter at the moment, however, will see a planet with only one belt--a very strange sight."
Posted by DINC666
A sequel, Zeitgeist: Addendum, focuses on the monetary system and advocates a resource-based social system influenced by the ideas of Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project. Following Zeitgeist: Addendum, Peter Joseph created an organization called The Zeitgeist Movement to promote the ideas of Fresco's Venus Project.Peter Joseph has publicly stated that The Zeitgeist Movement, while inspired by his Movies content, is not an organization which supports them directly.
haven't watched the documentary yet? you should....
direct links -
original website -
*Aryan blood - untotenreich is not associated with any organization or movement
Posted by DINC666
image source -
Brown dwarfs emit very little visible light because nuclear fusion reactions cannot be maintained in their interior. And they are extremely difficult to observe at any wavelength
>For at least the last 500 million years, say Adrian Melott, an astrophysicist at the University of Kansas, and Richard Bambach, a palaeontologist at the Smithsonian Institute, there has been a burst of extinctions every 27 million years.
Periodic mass extinctions have been posited before, and it has been suggested that it means the Sun has a huge, dark neighbour which orbits it every 27 million years, each time knocking a shower of comets out of the Oort Cloud at the fringes of the solar system and sending them crashing into Earth. This hypothetical dark satellite was called "Nemesis".
Posted by DINC666
The Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Nazi party, Vatican, Jesuits, Black Pope, Bush family, 9/11, are all connected to the New World Order.
Prescott S. Bush joined Skull and Bones (the Illuminati) in 1917. Aldolf Hitler joined the German Brotherhood of Death Society (Skull + Bones) in 1919, and they selected Hitler to be their leader of the New World Order. George H Bush was inducted in 1948, and George W Bush in 1968.
-Kevin Quinn
read his full article -
*Untoten.Reich doesn't agree with all the contents of these videos.... posted for educational purposes....
draw your own conclusions....
Posted by DINC666
christ and krishna

there are lots of similarities between christ and krishna still they were not the same person.. but different prophets/avatars/messiah/humans or whatever you wanna call, of God Vishnu/or whatever you wanna call ..
anyways derive your own conclusions ----->
God Vishnu, who is the preserver and takes birth on earth from time to time as per vedic,
why fish? Matsya the Fish appeared in the Satya Yuga and represents beginning of life.
The first avatar of vishnu was a fish "Matsya"

1. Matsya, the fish-avatar who saved Manu – the progeniter of mankind from the great deluge and rescued the Vedic scriptures by killing a demon. Story can be found in the Matsya Purana.
2. Kurma, the tortoise-avatar, who helped in the Samudra manthan – the churning of the ocean. Story can be found in the Kurma Purana.
3. Varaha, the boar-avatar, who rescued the earth from the ocean, by killing her kidnapper-demon Hiranyaksha. Story can be found in the Varaha Purana.
4. Narasimha, the half man-half lion avatar, who killed the tyrant demon-king Hiranyakashipu, to rescue the demon's son Prahlada, who was a Vishnu-devotee
5. Vamana, the dwarf-avatar, who subdued the king Maha Bali. Story can be found in the Vamana Purana.
6. Parashurama, sage with the axe who killed the thousand-armed king Kartavirya Arjuna
7. Rama, the king of Ayodhya and the hero of the Hindu epic Ramayana
8. Krishna, the king of Dwarka, a central character in the Bhagavata Purana and the Mahabharata and reciter of Bhagavad Gita. However, in the original Dasavatara stotra, Balarama, the elder brother of Krishna, is stated as the eight incarnation, while Krishna (Lord Kesava) is the source of all the incarnation.
9. Gautama Buddha
The Christian doctrine of the Trinity teaches the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons/entities....
the Hindu trinity - brahma [creator], vishnu[preserver], shiv [destroyer]
Brahma who is said to create this domain in which everything exists....
vishnu always takes birth/manifests on earth from time to time [to preserve it] and can be considered as the son and rest is quiet obvious....ram,jesus,krishna,buddha
Shiva is the destroyer .... the one who destroys - every second that passes away/time everything .... without time this domain would cease to exist.... its the "holy spirit"
If you read vedic texts and other such works by sages,yogis etc.... you will come to know that every human has kundalini/shakti power in the base chakra and shiva at the top of the head.... which when united together by meditation/yoga etc gives the seeker enlightenment and many powers/siddhis etc and seeker comes to know that he/she is not the body but spirit/soul or whatever .... .... thats your holy spirit inside
another interesting thing is even in Islam the first muslim pagambar is said come via a fish....
At the beginning of the book of John in the New Testament, it states, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This is actually a verbatim translation of the Vedic Sanskrit mantra: “Prajapatirvai idamagraasit, tasya vag dvitiyaa asit, vag vai paramam Brahma.”


even the pope hat is of fish shaped, the reason is clear from the above pic....
just as said in the beginning of life on earth the fish carried the vishnu and
delivered his message to save the world.. the so called elected
pope acts like the carrier of vishnu or his message
They follow Shiv, whole vatican is Shiv linga shaped, they follow Vishnu, but they deny that.... following Gods secretly but denying the truth and spreading lies won't give their grace and that is a fact....
Catholic church started christianity slowely as it happens everywhere people who didn't liked the order broke away and formed different christian sub church groups, Christianity is a copy of vedic dharma, they just changed the names and all.... people who follow just christ are just following Vishnu.....
truth always comes out....
there are lots of similarities between christ and krishna still we don't say that they were actually the same person.. but different avatars/messiah or just humans or whatever you wanna call, of God Vishnu only,
one thing is for sure that the religion or faith or whatever they preached was actually same..
anyways derive your own conclusions ----->

Jesus christ telling people abt kundalini - from thomas gospel -->
Jesus said to His disciples,
"These infants being suckled are like those who enter the
They said to Him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the
Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you
make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside,
and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the
female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the
female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye,
and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and
a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter [the

When Kundalini Shakti passes beyond Ajna (Third Eye), duality (male - female) and ego cease to exist. The gross elements of the individual dissolve into the pure elements of consciousness. The person then starts creating his environment consciously ..what is inside is outside

The fifth gospel of Thomas was written in India -
But a phenomenon like Jesus is not an accident; it is a long preparation, it cannot happen just any moment.
Jesus was continuously being prepared during these thirty years.
He was first sent to Egypt and then he came to India.
In Egypt he learned one of the oldest traditions of secret methods, then in India he came to know about the teachings of Buddha, the Vedas, the Upanishads, and he passed through a long preparation.
Those days are not known because Jesus worked in these schools as an unknown disciple.
And Christians have knowingly dropped those records, because they would not like the son of God to also be a disciple of somebody else.
They would not like the very idea that he was prepared, taught, trained – that looks humiliating.
They think the son of God comes absolutely ready.
If you look without, the world of the many exists; if you look within, then the world is one.
Source - Osho – The Mustard Seed : Commentaries on the Fifth Gospel of Thomas
What a strange world in which we live! The Catholic Church has always known that Christianity did not begin with Jesus Christ, but yet it tries to make us think it did.
St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD) wrote: "This, in our day, is the Christian religion, not as having been unknown in former times, but as having recently received that name."
Eusebius of Caesarea (circa 283-371 AD) said: "The religion of Jesus Christ is neither new nor strange."
In Anacalypsis, The 17th century British orientalist and iconoclast, Godfrey Higgins, insisted that Christianity was already firmly in place in both the West and the East, many centuries before Jesus Christ was born. He said, The Crestians or Christians of the West probably descended directly from the Buddhists, rather than from the Brahmins. (Vol. 2, pp 438, 439.) [buddhism came from hindus as budhha was himself a hindu prince]
"Melito (a Christian bishop of Sardis) in the year 170, claims the patronage of the emperor, for the now so-called Christian religion, which he calls "our philosophy," on account of its high antiquity, has having been imported from countries lying beyond the limits of the Roman empire, in the region of his ancestor Augustus, who found the importation ominous of good fortune to his government." This is an absolute demonstration that Christianity did not originate in Judea, which was a Roman province, but really was an exotic oriental fable, imported from India, and that Paul was doing as he claimed, viz: preaching a God manifest in the flesh who had been "believed in the world" centuries before his time, and a doctrine which had already been preached "unto every creature under heaven." (Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions; T. W. Doane, p. 409.)
Stephen Van Eck writes: "Then there is the Hindu epic, the Bhagavad-Gita, a story of the second person of the Hindu Trinity, who took human form as Krishna. Some have considered him a model for the Christ, and it's hard to argue against that when he says things like:
* 'I am the beginning, the middle, and the end' (BG 10:20 vs. Rev. 1:8 ).
* His advent was heralded by a pious old man named Asita, who could die happy knowing of his arrival, a story paralleling that of Simeon in Luke 2:25 .
* Krishna's mission was to give directions to 'the kingdom of God' (BG 2:72), and he warned of 'stumbling blocks' along the way (BG 3:34; 1 Cor. 1:23 ; Rev. 2:14).
* The essential thrust of Krishna's sayings, uttered to a beloved disciple, sometimes seems to coincide with Jesus or the Bible. Compare: 'those who are wise lament neither for the living nor the dead' (BG 2:11) with the sense of Jesus' advice to 'let the dead bury their own dead' (Matt. 8:22 ).
* Krishna's saying, 'I envy no man, nor am I partial to anyone; I am equal to all' (BG 9:29) is a lot like the idea that God is no respecter of persons (Rom. 2:11 ; see also Matt. 6:45 ).
* And 'one who is equal to friends and enemies... is very dear to me' (BG 12:18) is reminiscent of 'love your enemies' (Matt. 5:44 ).
* Krishna also said that 'by human calculation, a thousand ages taken together is the duration of Brahma's one day' (BG 8:17), which is very similar to 2 Peter 3:8.
more info/links -
Walter Raymond Drake (1913 - 1989) -
The Dead Sea Scrolls surprise us by not mentioning Christ or Christianity, the Essene teachings suggest that some of the Christian doctrine originated a century earlier. Nothing is gleamed of Christ from contemporary sources, surprising in an age of classic writers; almost all we know of Him is from Church written by imaginatives decades later. Perhaps Christianity is a Myth necessary to the evolution and inspiration of man during the lost Piscean age? Man’s questing soul soars beyond the dogmatic creeds of yesterday to the cosmic religion of tomorrow.
The oldest source of wisdom in the world must surely spring from India , whose initiates long ago probed the secrets of heaven, the story of Earth, the depths of Man’s soul, and propounded those sublime thoughts which illumined the Magi of Babylon, inspired the philosophers of Greece and worked their subtle influence on the religions of the West. " and read below....
who taught the west the number system? Ancient Indians shared it with the persian,arabs which passed it on, romans first didn't used this number system as it was too much complicated for many people....
for a fast recall abt this you can watch story of 1 by terry jones....
you can read in ancient technology and other sections on this blog how many advanced discoveries Bharatiys made.... everyone wanted to be like the aryas because they were so much advanced and spiritual .... and they will always say that oh this came from romans this came from egyptians blah blah but never will tell the source....
They had great faith in vedic texts/scriptures that lead them to believe that earth is flat.... as they misinterpreted the vedic sanskrit text/scriptures ....and the inability to understand the correct meaning of sanskrit/vedic text/scriptures lead them to believe all this....
Richard L. Thompson. He explains the world and universe from the Srimad Bhagavatam's cosmological viewpoint.
Surya Siddhanta is also another great Bharatiya astronomy work
1. Bell, Book and Candle – the major symbols of Christmas are nothing but reminiscent of Hindu temple where bell is a must, book refers to holy book and candle is equivalent of Deepak or light of Yajna. Bell is derived from Sanskrit word "Bal" meaning strength. Bell is used in temples to provide strength to prayers.
2. The ancient Vedic custom of applying ash or sandalwood paste to the body is still retained by Christianity in the observance of Ash Wednesday. The so-called “All Soul’s Day” is an exact translation of the Vedic observance of Sarva Pitri Amavasya, the day fixed by tradition for the worship of all deceased ancestors.
Pope derives from "PaapaH" meaning remover of or absolver from Sin.
Vatican derives from "Vatika" which means a hermitage. In Vedic tradition, sages used to live in hermitages.(Ashrama-Vatica" or "Dharma-Vatica" or "Ananda-Vatica.)
Priest and Abbot derive from "Purohit" and "Bhat" respectively, both signifying Vedic priests.
Pontiff is a corruption of the Sanskrit term 'puntah'.
Saint obviously is offshoot of 'Sant'. Apostle is Sanskrit 'Aap-Sthal' signifying one who proceeds from place to place [for preaching]
1. World Vedic Heritage Vol 1,2 – PN Oak
2. Christianity is Krishna Neeti – PN Oak
(Publisher: Hindi Sahitya Sadan, N Delhi, India
The term “vestry” in referring to the room in churches in which holy clothes are kept comes from the Sanskrit word vestra, meaning clothes. Even the word “psalm” with a silent “P” comes from the Sanskrit word sam or sama which means holy and serious sacred songs, hymns or chants, as found in the Sama-veda.
Other Christian links with Sanskrit words can be found in the name Bethlehem, which is the English mispronunciation of the Sanskrit Vatsaldham, which means “the home (town) of the darling child.” The Sanskrit term Nandarath is linguistically connected with Nazareth. Nandarath means Nanda’s chariot, and King Nanda was the guardian at whose village he nurtured Lord Krishna (sometimes pronounced as Chrisn, and later Christ in some regions).
This piece is at present on view in the Etruscan Museum at the Vatican in Rome. Encyclopedia Britannica mentions under the headings "Etruria" and "Etruscan" that between the 2nd and 7th centuries BC, northern Italy was known as Etruria. During excavations many such "meteoric stones mounted on carved pedestals" are discovered in Italy.
Source -
answer to this question is in Linga purana....
>>The sages said, “We know that a linga is Shiva’s image. But why is Shiva worshipped in the form of a linga?”
Lomaharshana recounted the following story.
Many years ago, at the end of a destruction, there was water everywhere in the universe and the universe was shrouded in darkness. Vishnu slept on the water in his form of Narayana.
Brahma discovered Vishnu sleeping thus and woke him up. Failing to recognize Vishnu, he asked, “Who are you and what are you doing here?”
Vishnu woke up and noticed Brahma standing there. He smiled and said, “How are you, Brahma? Is everything well with my son?’
“How dare you call me your son?’ demanded Brahma. “I am Brahma, the lord of everything. I am the creator of the universe. How dare anyone call me his son?”
“You seem to have forgotten everything,” said Vishnu. “I am Vishnu and you were born from me. That is the reason why I addressed you as my son.”
Brahma did not accept this and started to fight with Vishnu. While the two were thus grappling, a shining linga suddenly appeared. It was almost as if the linga had emerged to settle Brahma and Vishnu’s dispute. The linga rose way up into the sky and it seemed to have no beginning or end.
“What on earth is this pillar of fire doing here?” Vishnu asked Brahma. “Let us investigate it. Why don’t you go up and see where it ends? As for me, I shall proceed downwards. Let us meet after a while and compare notes.”
Brahma agreed to do this. He adopted the form of a swan and flew up. Vishnu adopted the form of a boar and went down. No matter how further down Vishnu went, he could find no end to the linga. Nor could Brahma discover its upper extremity.
They returned and were amazed to find that neither had been able to find the end of the linga. They realized that they must be in the presence of a power that was greater than their own. They therefore began to pray to the linga and the sound of the mantra (incantation) om echoed all around the linga. Shiva appeared from within the linga in the form of a sage named Vedanama. He told them that it was the linga which was the origin of the universe. It was from the linga that the primordial egg (anda), the origin of the universe, had been created.
Shiva also taught Brahma and Vishnu the sacred gayatri mantra. He told Brahma and Vishnu, “We are all three part of the same supreme brahman. Brahma is the creator, Vishnu is the preserver and I am the destroyer. Don’t fight amongst yourselves.”
Ever since that day, Shiva has been worshipped in the form of a linga..
Generally mostly shiva linga is considered as the union of Purusha (Shiva) and Prikriti (Shiva's energy, Shakti) generates the universe, an idea manifested in the union of the Linga of Shiva and Yoni of Devi creating the universe .... male and female balance is needed to open heart chakra -- > 3rd eye ++
* shiva linga denotes shiva's third eye as it could be easily observed by the below picture that the symbol on shiva 3rd eye position is made on the shiva linga also..

as per hindu version there is Isha/Isa upanishad --->
This Upanishad derives its title from the opening words Isa–vasya, “God–covered.” The use of Isa (Lord)–a more personal name of the Supreme Being than Brahman, Atman or Self, the names usually found in the Upanishads–constitutes one of its peculiarities. It forms the closing chapter of the Yajur–Veda, known as Shukla (White). Oneness of the Soul and God, and the value of both faith and works as means of ultimate attainment are the leading themes of this Upanishad. The general teaching of the Upanishads is that works alone, even the highest, can bring only temporary happiness and must inevitably bind a man unless through them he gains knowledge of his real Self. To help him acquire this knowledge is the aim of this and all Upanishads.
so kinda all religions are different paths to the same God/brahman-shakti/allah or whatever you would like to call ..
ISA is a personal name of the supreme being as told in the upanishad .. the oneness of the soul and the God
the supreme creator is one and all these avatars/prophets/messiahs are the people who reached oneness of their soul and god or something like that ..
as per vedic dharma also you are free to worship or pray to any god/goddess/deities.... its upto the individual ....


More -
Ancient Indian And Hebrew Language?
A scholar finds compelling evidence for
ancient Indian influence on a global scale.(highly researched work by scholar, Gene D. Matlock)
A 19th Century British Scholar Explains Why the Western World Never Learned About the Indian Origins of the Jews.
Though not generally known in this day and age, Godfrey Higgins (1772-1833), archeologist, politician, humanitarian, social reformer, and author, was one of the most enlightened and educated men of early 19th century England. He was a well-known iconoclast, rationalist, and admirer of the Jews, who vehemently opposed any kind of persecution of this ancient religious group. He wrote two oversized volumes, totaling around 1600 pages of fine print, about the Jews' Indian origins. These two volumes, entitled Anacalypsis, are extremely rare. The last printing was done in 1965 by University Books, NY. It's a difficult book to read because the author painstakingly proved the minutest of details in his dissertation.
- above all everyone keeps saying ancient manuscripts what does it means
'handwritten scripts'? but why 'manu' scripts?
Manu = "Satyavrata" (One with the oath of truth)
well Manu [मनु] is a title accorded to the progenitor of mankind, and also the very first king to rule this earth, who saved mankind from the universal flood.
He was the one to give the knowledge to sages/rishis to write the first laws for humans known as 'Manusmriti' [मनुस्मृति] [Smriti (Sanskrit: स्मृति)] literally "that which is remembered," refers to a specific body of Hindu religious scripture/text]
The text presents itself as a discourse given by Manu to a group of seers, or rishis, who beseech him to tell them the "law of all the social classes". All future Dharmaśāstras followed it and yeh corrupted it also.
The word Man surely originates from Manu or "Manav" .Manav[hindi/sanskrit] means 'Human' in english.
In Sanskrit, the name Manu appropriately came to mean "man" or "mankind" (since Manu, or Noah, was the father of all post-flood mankind). The word is related to the Germanic Mannus,2 the founder of the West Germanic peoples. Mannus was mentioned by the Roman historian Tacitus in his book Germania.3 Mannus is also the name of the Lithuanian Noah.4 Another Sanskrit form, manusa is closely related to the Swedish manniska,5 both words meaning "human being."
The same name may even be reflected in the Egyptian Menes (founder of the first dynasty of Egypt) and Minos (founder and first king of Crete). Minos was also said in Greek mythology to be the son of Zeus and ruler of the sea.6
The English word "man" is thus also related to the Sanskrit manu, as well as its equivalents in other Germanic languages. Gothic, the oldest known Germanic language, used the form Manna, and also gaman ("fellow man").
so he was noah or adam?
"Manu" is a title that is held by numerous characters in Hinduism.
Manvantara or Manuvantara , or age of a Manu, the Hindu progenitor of mankind, is an astronomical period of time measurement. Manvantara is a Sanskrit sandhi, a combination of words manu and antara, manu-antara or manvantara, literally meaning the duration of a Manu, or his life span .
Each Manvantara is created and ruled by a specific Manu, who in turn is created by Brahma, the Creator himself. Manu creates the world, and all its species during that period of time, each Manvantara lasts the lifetime of a Manu, upon whose death, Brahma creates another Manu to continue the cycle of Creation or Shristi, Vishnu on his part takes a new avtar, and also a new Indra and Saptarishis are appointed.
Eventually it takes 14 Manus and their respective Manvantaras to create a Kalpa, Aeon, or a ‘Day of Brahma’, according to the Hindu Time Cycles and also the Vedic timeline. Thereafter, at the end of each Kalpa, there is a period - same as Kalpa - of dissolution or Pralaya , wherein the world (earth and all life forms, but not the entire universe itself) is destroyed and lies in a state of rest, which is called the, ‘Night of Brahma’.
After that the creator, Brahma starts his cycle of creation all over again, in an endless cycle of creation followed by Destruction for which Shiva, Hindu God of destruction, and also renewal, is invoked towards the end of each such cycle.
1 human year = 1 Ahoratra for God (1 day and 1 night)
360 [Ahoratra]s of Gods = 1 Deva Vatsara
12,000 Man Years = 1 Chaturyuga
(4800 Man Years of Krita yuga, 3600 Man Years of Treta Yuga, 2400 Man Years of Dvapara Yuga, & 1200 Man Years of Kali Yuga)
71 Chaturyugas = 1 Manvantaram (1 life span of Manu)
14 Manvantaras = 1 kalpa (1 day of Brahma)
2 Kalpas = 1 day + 1 Ahoratra
360 days of Brahma = 1 Brahma varsha
100 Brahma varsha = 1 life span of Brahma.
if a person says he is a follower of Sanātana Dharma and still hates muslims/ christians/buddhists/modern hindus or any other religion/cult then he is not following his dharma ....
the main thing is to realize is its all the same.... just corrupted all over the years .... every person is to be judged by his/her own character/deeds not by civilization/faith/religion.... you can't blame an entire race for actions of few.... evil/bad people are everywhere and good people are also everywhere....
-most modern hindus eat flesh and they cut animal from behind the neck [called jatka meat]
muslims kill animals from the throat side [called halal meat]
and modern hindus wont eat halal meat and vice versa ....
it doesnt matter how you kill that animal .... sin is sin , bad karma.
its only righteous to take another life to defend yourself/family or another being.
Then there are people who preach oneness and still kill and eat animals.... what oneness? just for humans?
people take life of another being and then they end up in some temple/masjid/church praying to god.... whats the point?
Sanātana dharma faith forbids eating of flesh.... above all you don't need someone or some book to tell you its wrong to kill others and eat flesh .... everyone knows that....
some people give logic about plants also have life and all that stuff .... for those click the below link....
the golden rule of all religions - go veg / vegan -
Why Vegan or veg? -
READ if you havn't -
in bible also - The sixth of the ten commandments reads, “Thou shall not kill.” The New International Version translates it, “Thou shall not murder.”
Genesis 1:29 - Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.
God in bible says - created plants++ for food.... doesn't says kill animals and feast on their flesh....
Genesis 1:28 - Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
God according to bible gives dominion over animals/lesser creatures.... doesn't says start killing and eating their flesh....
*then after reading this most will try to justify killing by giving excuse that this was before the sin or something like that .. then they wait for their so called golden age of peace and without sin.. when they themselves don't want to stop sinning.. denying the most important laws of their religion by giving manipulated random quotes..
There is nothing humane or civilized about eating dead bodies ], taking life and freedom of another creature just to cook its dead body, just to fill your belly for few hours. No slaughter is humane. Animals love, show emotions and protect their young ones.. respect the freedom of other creature. Ignoring their screams and still killing them.. then giving excuses about plant life..
1.FRUITS fall automatically from the tree, tree wants you to eat it and spread the seeds. (or you can even pluck them yourself tree doesn't mind.
2. grains, pulses etc are end products of plant life, farmer takes care of them for their whole life span and in the end they give out that stuff which can be eaten and more can be produced from it for next season.
still care about plant life? stop plucking flowers also! they look good attached to the plant only!
Use alternatives and chose not to harm slaughter is humane.. food chain is for those who don't have a choice.. don't preprogram children into flesh eaters
(*unconditional love and mercy is very important according to all religions/spiritual faiths)
*All religions say the same thing "do onto others what you want to be done to yourself" it doesn't says animals or humans for it includes all living beings as all are souls experiencing life in different bodies.
Sanatana Dharma
Sanatana Dharma regards person as a part of the Whole....
No race or faith is superior and no color or creed is inferior.
Everyone on earth is to learn and make his/her own way to the salvation. Those who understand the pain of others and are willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of others attain salvation faster.... and for those who get stuck in mortal desires, greed and all.... will stay stuck in the cycle of rebirth-deth-hell/heaven....
everyone is given the freedom of choice.... it doesnt matter if you call god by any name nor does it matters to which religion you belong .... whether you are christian/muslim/hindu/buddhist......
Sanatana Dharma is the guideline given to humans to understand what this earth is all about .... its like a RPG game in which the one who becomes purist gains salvation [escape from the cycle of rebirth and deth] which is nothing but getting to the next spiritual level....
will you take another human/animal's life for your own sake? or rather defend/sacrifice yourself/die ? will you inflict pain [mentally/physically] onto other beings? or rather choose to take their pain on yourself?
Each human has the supreme inside ....
Read more -
Aryanblood [untoten reich] doesn't believe in worshiping of humans
we just believe in god [the superpower/energy which created this universe] ....
-These FACTS are only provided so that people can realize that all religions have a common source which have been corrupted over time. So stop hating eachother in the name of religion/GOD or whatever....
religions are many but the source is same ....
Posted by DINC666
represents TRINITY - BRAHMA (the creator), VISHU (the preserver), SHIVA(the destroyer), the supreme who created trinity
The swastika (from Sanskrit svástika स्वस्तिक) is an equilateral cross with its arms bent at right angles, in either right-facing form or its mirrored left-facing form.
Swastika [hindi] name comes the Sanskrit word svasti (sv = well; asti = is), meaning good fortune, luck and well-being.
SWASTIKA represents GOD the supreme power, each side of swastika represents that as sun shines in all directions god is everywhere, north east west south....
The right-hand swastika is one of the 108 symbols of the god Vishnu as well as a symbol of the sun/Surya god [deity of surya is GOD Vishnu - Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya]. The symbol imitates in the rotation of its arms the course taken daily by the sun, which appears in the Northern Hemisphere to pass from east, then south, to west.
swastika possibly also represents the end of duality .. union of shakti/shiva .. kundalini energy etc..
The left-hand swastika (called a sauvastika) usually represents the goddess Kali, night and magic.
Archaeological evidence of swastika-shaped ornaments dates from the Neolithic period in Ancient Bharat[India]. It occurs mainly in the modern day culture of Bharat[India], sometimes as a geometrical motif and sometimes as a religious symbol. It remains widely used in Indian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Though once commonly used all over much of the world without stigma, because of its iconic usage in Nazi Germany the symbol has become stigmatized in the Western world, notably even outlawed in Germany.
more info -
two thunder bolts or SS this means double swastika in short form.
88 doesnt represents hail hitler was modified by nazis for personal benefit/use, infact in real 88 is the numbered representation of the cross swastika - means three times cranked.
88 is used as shorthand for 'hugs and kisses' when signing a message in Amateur (ham) Radio.
Eighty-eight (88) symbolizes fortune and good luck since the word 8 sounds similar to the word Fā (which implies, or wealth, in Mandarin). The number 8 is considered to be the luckiest number of all in Chinese culture.The 2008 Beijing Olympics opened on 8/8/08 at 8 p.m.
By using as the correspondence table A=26, B=25, ..., Z=1, we find that, in French, "Dieu Un" (God One) gives 88.
more facts -
NAZI most people even many nazi's today dont know where this word came from. This word was adopted from hindi language derived from word "naz"
means "to be proud of ....", used by hitler to create a cult nazi .
NAZI meaning = who is proud of self/roots/ heritage or anything possessed....
Nazi Germany did cultivate a close interest in the affairs of India, the crown jewel of the British empire. Hitler and the Japanese supported an indigenous military militia led by Subhas Chandra Bose to keep the British pinned down.
Hitler wanted to discover the Aryan roots of the Indian civilization.
The so called secret UFO technology and other advanced technology was all taken from ancient vedic texts including Vimana shastra....
You can find so many sanskrit words .... like
....the word "Lufthansa" is made up of two words: 'Luft' and 'Hansa'
Luft = air, wind (german), hansa = swan/crane (sanskrit, also used in hindi)
Hitler was so much fascinated by Bharatiya culture .... he took everything swastika and all and used it for his own benefit Swastika in German is called - Hakenkreuz [crooked cross]-
and its so much amusing - funny that so many white power and such racist organizations are using swastika to spread hatred, which infact is a sanskrti/hindi word /symbol from BHARAT. They will deny it but truth is truth....
Swastika [hindi] name comes from the Sanskrit word svasti (sv = well; asti = is), meaning good fortune, luck and well-being. Those racist people want good luck for spreading hatred lol. Anyway ignorant fools have existed on earth since the beginning of human race....
The Aryan is an English language loanword derived from Sanskrit Arya ('Noble') there was no invasion of aryans from anywhere! Aryans were Bharatiyas who lived in the upper regions of Ancient Bharat/India .... the noble Kshatriyas were given the title of Arya....
Dravidians were the south Bharatiya people.... Bharat/India has been homeland to people of all cultures, races, religions, and all religions races flourished here....
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Fabrication of aryan invasion theory -
All languages are derived from sanskrit and thats another fact! Sanskrit is the oldest and most scientific language! all knowledge is derived from vedas....
why HITLER was fascinated by hindu culture so much?
Hitler did knew the value of all the ancient vedic knowledge and technology....
Third Reich vimana nazi quest for ancient technology
*was Hitler an ARYAN ? NO
---- an Aryan is the one who defends/protects/fights for the needy/oppressed humans irrespective of their caste/creed/religion....
---- an Aryan will never harm any unarmed human/civilian, women/children, infact an arya is the one who even forgives his enemies ....
Posted by DINC666